Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification

About Us

The California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA, pronounced “Cal-mey-suh”) is a Joint Powers of Authority (JPA), comprised of County Mental and Behavioral Health Departments. Our board of directors is made up of county behavioral health directors. Our purpose is to be a separate public entity to provide administrative and fiscal services in support of the Members’ Mental/Behavioral Health Departments acting alone or in collaboration with other Departments. For a list of all our programs, visit our main page at

CalMHSA is proud to be the certifying entity for the Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialists Certification in California. We are responsible for the certification, examination, and enforcement of professional standards for the certification. CalMHSA manages the California Certification Registry, Including investigating consumer complaints and imposes disciplinary actions against a Certificant who violates the Code of Ethics.

The California Mental Health Services Authority works with its Stakeholder Advisory Council and County Behavioral Health Plans to ensure the voice of Peers is reflective in its certification program.

The California Mental Services Authority follows state standards for the certification of Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialists in California in accordance with Chapter 7, Part 3, Article 1.4, Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.