Training Provider Agency Bio Form Template
We are pleased to provide the Agency Biography Form for all approved training providers. This template is designed to gather essential information about your agency and the training programs you offer to be posted on our website.
Please download the form, complete it, save it, and submit it to CalMHSA for review and posting.
Agency Biography: Please provide a 150-word or less biography to post on your training provider bio web page. EXAMPLE: CalMHSA continues to ensure a work environment that values cultural humility and strives for cultural proficiency in all CalMHSA policies, procedures, staff recruitment and retainment, day-to-day operations, and communications. Representation matters. It’s team members’ diversity strengthens the organization. Our dedication to eliminating inequities, oppression, and racism begins within. Driven, led, and supported by best practices organizations and individuals actively working together, collaboratively developing partnerships, educating, and informing, CalMHSA operates within the statutes governing Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) entities and complies with the Brown Act open meeting requirements. CalMHSA serves California counties and cities in the dynamic delivery of mental health and supportive services. A nationally recognized leader, CalMHSA inspires theservice community through its commitment to results and values. Successful statewide and regional programs enable the voice of many to be heard. | |
Training Type: | Medi-Cal Peer Support Training (80 Hours) |
Training (Select all that apply) | In-Person Online (live) Asynchronous Hybrid |
Method(s): (Select all that apply) | Cohort Individual |
Training Length: (can be in # of hours, days, or weeks) |
Training Hours: (Example: Mon-Fri 9-5, Various, etc.) |
Hours: |
Registration Capacity: (Example: 25 students maximum per cohort.) |
Capacity: |
**Offering Law & Ethics course(s): (for CE providers only) |
Yes / No |
How to Register for Classes: (Link to company website registration, landing page, or other way to enroll intoclasses or for more information) |
Link: |
Training Coordinator Contact Information: (For internal purposes only, will not be listed on bio page.) | Name: Phone: Email: |
Note: Registration dates and class start dates will no longer be posted on CalMHSA website; please provide them on your landing page. |